On this page:

You can insert JavaScript expressions as placeholders for HTML text content, attributes, Boolean attributes, properties, and event handlers.

JavaScript expressions can include your element's properties. LitElement observes and reacts to property changes, so your templates update automatically.

Data bindings are always one-way (parent to child). To share data from a child element to its parent, use events.

Bind to text content

Bind prop1 to text content:


Bind to an attribute

Bind prop2 to an attribute:

html`<div id="${this.prop2}"></div>`

Attribute values are always strings, so an attribute binding should return a value that can be converted into a string.

Bind to a boolean attribute

Bind prop3 to a boolean attribute:

html`<input type="checkbox" ?checked="${this.prop3}">i like pie</input>`

Boolean attributes are added if the expression evaluates to a truthy value, and removed if it evaluates to a falsy value.

Bind to a property

Bind prop4 to a property:

html`<input type="checkbox" .value="${this.prop4}"/>`

Bind to an event handler

Bind clickHandler to a click event:

html`<button @click="${this.clickHandler}">pie?</button>`

The default event context for @event expressions is this, so there is no need to bind the handler function.



{% include projects/docs/templates/databinding/my-element.js %}

{% include project.html folder="docs/templates/databinding" openFile="my-element.js" %}