In call order, the methods in the update lifecycle are:

  1. hasChanged
  2. requestUpdate
  3. shouldUpdate
  4. update
  5. render
  6. firstUpdated
  7. updated
  8. updateComplete

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hasChanged(newValue, oldValue)

| Params

  | newValue

oldValue | Property value to be set.

Previous property value for comparison.| | Returns | Boolean | Element update proceeds if hasChanged returns true.| | Updates? | No | Property changes inside this method will not trigger an element update. |

Called whenever a property is set. If hasChanged returns true, requestUpdate is called.

By default:

To customize hasChanged for a property, specify it as a property option:

static get properties() { return {
  myProp: {
    hasChanged(newVal, oldVal) {
      // compare newVal and oldVal
      // return `true` if an update should proceed



{% include projects/docs/lifecycle/haschanged/my-element.js %}

{% include project.html folder="docs/lifecycle/haschanged" %}

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requestUpdate(propertyName, oldValue)

| Params

  | propertyName

oldValue| Name of property to be updated.

Previous property value. | | Returns | Promise | Returns the updateComplete Promise, which resolves on completion of the update. | | Updates? | No | Property changes inside this method will not trigger an element update. |

If hasChanged returned true, requestUpdate fires, and the update proceeds.

To manually start an element update, call requestUpdate with no parameters.

To implement a custom property setter that supports property options, pass the property name and its previous value as parameters.

Example: Manually start an element update

{% include projects/docs/lifecycle/requestupdate/my-element.js %}

{% include project.html folder="docs/lifecycle/requestupdate" %}

Example: Call requestUpdate from a custom property setter

{% include projects/docs/lifecycle/customsetter/my-element.js %}

{% include project.html folder="docs/lifecycle/customsetter" %}

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| Params | changedProperties| Map. Keys are the names of changed properties; Values are the corresponding previous values. | | Returns | Boolean | If true, update proceeds. Default return value is true. | | Updates? | Yes | Property changes inside this method will trigger an element update. |

Example: Customize which property changes should cause updates

{% include projects/docs/lifecycle/shouldupdate/my-element.js %}

{% include project.html folder="docs/lifecycle/shouldupdate" %}

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| Params | changedProperties| Map. Keys are the names of changed properties; Values are the corresponding previous values. | | Updates? | No | Property changes inside this method will not trigger an element update. |

Updates the element by reflecting property values to attributes, and calling render().

{% include projects/docs/lifecycle/update/my-element.js %}

{% include project.html folder="docs/lifecycle/update" %}

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| Returns | TemplateResult | Must return a lit-html TemplateResult. | | Updates? | No | Property changes inside this method will not trigger an element update. |

Uses lit-html to render the element template.

See the documentation on writing and rendering templates for more information.

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| Params | changedProperties| Map. Keys are the names of changed properties; Values are the corresponding previous values. | | Updates? | Yes | Property changes inside this method will trigger an element update. |

Called after the element's DOM has been updated the first time, immediately before updated is called.

Customize firstUpdated to perform one-time work after the element's template has been created.

Example: Focus an input element

{% include projects/docs/lifecycle/firstupdated/my-element.js %}

{% include project.html folder="docs/lifecycle/firstupdated" %}

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| Params | changedProperties| Map. Keys are the names of changed properties; Values are the corresponding previous values. | | Updates? | Yes | Property changes inside this method will trigger an element update. |

Called when the element's DOM has been updated and rendered. Does nothing. Implement to do stuff after anupdate e.g. focus, etc

Example: Focus an element after update

{% include projects/docs/lifecycle/updated/my-element.js %}

{% include project.html folder="docs/lifecycle/updated" %}

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| Type | Promise | Resolves with a Boolean when the element has finished updating. | | Resolves

| true if there are no more pending updates.

false if this update cycle triggered another update. |

The updateComplete Promise resolves when the element has finished updating. Use updateComplete to to wait for an update:

js await updateComplete; // do stuff

js updateComplete.then(() => { /* do stuff */ });

To have updateComplete await additional state before it resolves, implement the updateComplete getter:

js get updateComplete() { return this.getMoreState().then(() => { return this._updatePromise; }); }


{% include projects/docs/lifecycle/updatecomplete/my-element.js %}

{% include project.html folder="docs/lifecycle/updatecomplete" %}