In this step, you'll declare a property for your component, and use the value in the component's template. LitElement components update automatically when their properties change.

Starting code


{% include projects/try/properties/before/my-element.js %}

{% include project.html folder="try/properties/before" openFile="my-element.js" %}

  1. Declare a property.

    In my-element.js, replace the existing properties getter with the following code:

    js static get properties() { return { // Property declaration message: { type: String } }; }

  2. Initialize the property.

    You should initialize property values in a component's constructor.

    In my-element.js, replace the existing constructor with the following code:

    ```js constructor() { // Always call superconstructor first super();

    // Initialize property this.message='Hello world! From my-element'; } ```

  3. Add the property to your template with a JavaScript expression.

    In my-element.js, replace the existing render function with the following code:

    js render() { return html` <p>${this.message}</p> `; }

If you're stuck, click Launch Code Editor below to see the completed code for Step 3.

{% include project.html folder="try/properties/after" openFile="my-element.js" %}

Next: 4. Logic