In this step, you'll use lit-html's @event annotation to add an event listener to an element inside your template.

Starting code


{% include projects/try/events/before/my-element.js %}

{% include project.html folder="try/events/before" openFile="my-element.js" %}

  1. Add an event listener.

    In my-element.js, in your template, replace the existing HTML button element with the following code:

    html <button @click="${this.clickHandler}">Click</button>

    The annotation above adds a listener for the click event.

  2. Implement an event handler.

    To handle the click event, define the following method on your MyElement class:

    js clickHandler(event) { console.log(; this.myBool = !this.myBool; }

If you're stuck, click Launch Code Editor below to see the completed code for Step 5.

{% include project.html folder="try/events/after" openFile="my-element.js" %}

Next: 6. Style